Fabian Steeg
Open Infrastructure, Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW (hbz)
Lightning Talk at SWIB20, WWW, 2020-11-27
This presentation:
http://slides.lobid.org/2020-swib-reconciliation/ (PDF)
"A powerful tool for working with messy data"
Align your own data with identifiers from a data provider
(e.g. authority IDs)
Extend your local data with the reconciled data
(e.g. add fields from the authority data)
OpenRefine talks to a remote Reconciliation Service via a defined API, anyone can plug into OpenRefine like that
Document and improve the OpenRefine Reconciliation API
Promote it as a standard for data matching on the Web
Build tools around it
A tool to test reconciliation services
A central overview of available services (currently 36)
Overview of the reconciliation ecosystem
Available services, clients, software libraries
Specifications of the reconciliation API