Using Wikidata to improve spatial subject indexing in a regional bibliography

Adrian Pohl / @acka47

Offene Infrastruktur, Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW (hbz)

Berlin, 2019-10-26

This presentation:
Creative Commons License


NWBib = "North-Rhine Westphalian Bibliography"

A regional bibliography (Q1609504) that records literature about North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW), its regions, places and people

besides monographs, especially articles are recorded as well as maps, DVDs etc.

420.000 entries from publication year 1983 onwards

Web application: (based on lobid-resources API)

Cataloging in hbz union catalog (Aleph)

The initial status (2017)

8,800 distinct strings for places (mostly administrative areas, but also monasteries, principalities, natural regions etc.)

Strings naively matched to Wikidata entries for geo coordinates (since 2014)

Drawbacks: non-unique names, no hierarchy, poor WD matching

Initial data (extract)

  3 "Brauweiler"
  1 "Brauweiler, Puhlheim"
132 "Brauweiler <Pulheim>"
  5 "Brauweiler, Pulheim"
  4 "Breitenbruch <Arnsberg>"
  1 "Brelen"
 29 "Bremen <Ense>"
  1 "Bremke <Menden, Sauerland>"
  1 "Brempt"
  1 "Bremscheid"
  4 "Bremscheid <Eslohe, Sauerland>"
  3 "Brenig"
  2 "Brenken <Büren, Kreis Paderborn>"
 21 "Brenken <Büren, Paderborn>"
See full list at

Goal: a full-fledged spatial classification

Hierarchical view of places based on administrative areas

One entry/ID for each place

Mockup by NWBib editors (2016)

Best option: Wikidata

We looked at Integrated Authority File (GND), GeoNames and Wikidata

We chose Wikidata as data base mainly because of its coverage, its existing infrastructure

Good coverage of place entries, geo coordinates and hierarchical information

Infrastructure for editing and versioning was already there plus a community we could participate in to keep the data up to date

Requirement: intermediate data store

NWBib editors did not want NWBib to directly rely on Wikidata

...because Wikidata servers are not under our control

Also fear of unwelcome edits or vandalism

We decided to manage an intermediate SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) file the application would rely on

How we did it: Five steps

  1. Match strings with Wikidata
  2. Create classification from Wikidata & update lobid/NWBib data
  3. Add links to NWBib in Wikidata with custom property plus qualifier for broader term
  4. Establish process for updating classification including review
  5. Update data in union catalog (Aleph) & use classification URIs in cataloging

Matching approach

Matching via API isn't sufficient (e.g. because different levels of administrative areas have very similar names)

Matching via custom Elasticsearch index (maximizing precision by type restriction)

The index is built based on Wikidata SPARQL query for specific entities in NRW

(see query evolution I and II)

Example resource in matching index


Matching Results

Successful automatic matching for >99% of records and ~92% of the place strings

For <1000 strings the matching was incorrect

Catalogers adjusted catalog records and made >6000 manual edits to Wikidata to reach 100% coverage (adding aliases & type information, creating new entries)

Create classification

Based on Wikidata entries and hierarchical statements (mainly P131)

Add SKOS concept URIs and links to Wikidata to lobid/NWBib (see "spatial" object in JSON example)

Spatial subjects in NWBib/lobid JSON

           "label":"Raumsystematik der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Bibliographie"
Example entry

Querying for literature based on a place's QID""

Linking Wikidata and NWBib

Create Wikidata property for NWBib ID

Batch load NWBib IDs with QuickStatements (issue)

Add broader information to NWBib ID statements with qualifier P4900 (issue)

Establish update and review processes

Classification is created based on base SKOS conf file and Wikidata: spatial classification (SKOS version)

New classification entries are included by adding a P6814 (NWBib ID) statement in Wikidata

Hierarchy is adjusted using the P4900 qualifier

Review process for new versions of the classification to be specified

Update base data and cataloging process (to do)


By the end of 2019 catalogers will start using Wikidata-based URIs for spatial subject indexing in Aleph

Existing NWBib entries will be updated in Aleph

Status Quo

More than 400k NWBib entries with links to Wikidata

More than 4,400 Wikidata entries with links to NWBib


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