Pascal Christoph /
@dr0ide & Fabian Steeg / @fsteeg
Open Data, Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW (hbz)
SWIB15, Hamburg, 2015-11-24
This presentation:
ALA Archives, ca. 1925
Including library work
Libraries are Software
"Libraries are Software" by @codyh — Good short essay
for dev and non-dev librarians
— Tim Spalding (@librarythingtim) September
17, 2015
LOD for applications
Using the Lobid API
LOD for applications
Using the Lobid API
What does that even mean?
For Web APIs:
We can edit and re-open the URL in the browser bar
curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json" -H "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
# All holdings of owner with ISIL DE-6:
# Or new titles with GND subject 4055382-6 since 2015-10-23:
# And redirect data into a file:
> "resources-4055382-20151023.gz"
(this should all be in a single line, using one URL only)
How many libraries are there in Germany?
.@fsteeg "10.200
[Bibliotheken] gibt es insgesamt". Sind eher doppelt so
viel, wenn man die Pfarrbibliotheken dazu zählt.
— Adrian Pohl (@acka47) May
29, 2015
In Deutschland gibt es 19.347 Bibliotheken .
Datenquelle: dbs und ZDB-Sigeldatei /via @lobidOrg API
— dr0ide (@dr0ide) June
10, 2015
How many libraries are there in Germany?
Look at a sample organisation | |
Find fields to query | type AND location.address.addressCountry |
Create query | |
Find answer in response | 13.279 (19.11.15) |
LOD for applications
Using the Lobid API
@lobidOrg @InspektorHicks
Um genau zu sein: da sind auch Goethe Institute im Ausland mit
dabei usw. Siehe
— dr0ide (@dr0ide) June
10, 2015
Take into account status of DBS entries
Look at a sample organisation | |
Find field to query | type AND location.address.addressLocality |
Create query | |
Embed some Leaflet.js Javascript code in an HTML file which calls query above and uses response fields | and location.geo.lon |
Open HTML file in browser | demo.html, source |
Landesbibliotheken catalog subject locations, e.g. Köln | |
We get geo coordinates for these labels from Wikidata (so we can search by geo location) | |
We get labels for these geo coordinates from Wikidata (so we can show a label if we search by geo location) |,6.957778 |
Display them on a searchable map, basically as in previous demo, with clusters as visualization | |
A free, open source, power tool
for working with messy data.
(with external APIs)
dbs-id | bibliothek | plz |
Stadtbücherei Wernau | 73249 | |
WG548 | Stadtbibliothek Stavenhagen | 17153 |
Stadt- und Schulbücherei Gunzenhausen | 91710 | |
WH759 | Gemeindebibliothek Hohenleipisch | 4934 |
Get OpenRefine | |
Follow instructions |\#issuecomment-129771979 |
Don't lose useful data for applications in LOD transformation
Structure data to make it useful, like for queries and processing
Integrate into existing workflows and open tools, like OpenRefine
avoid premature abstraction
support actual use cases before generalizing
Do usable before reusable.
Do usable before reusable.
— Einar W. Høst (@einarwh) August
21, 2015
Having other folks use your stuff makes your stuff better!
@edsu Guess what - it turns
out having other folks use your stuff makes your stuff better!
Software and collections too!
— Andy Jackson (@anjacks0n) July
30, 2015
(a Java toolkit for stream-based
library metadata processing)
(a Lucene-based search server,
something like SOLR, we use it with Java)
(a Web application framework,
something like Rails or Django, we use it with Java)
(our structured data is JSON-LD, RDF-compatible)
a technological solution, one of many that might fit the real goals
I'm so over linked data/semantic web
as a goal. Its a technological solution, one of many that might
fit the real goals/outcomes
— Euan Cochrane (@euanc) June
2, 2015
to make the product better for our users
"No matter what our job titles, our jobs are all the same —
to make the product better for our users."
— F. Steeg (@fsteeg) February
25, 2015
make the great work of cataloguers available
for all kinds
of use cases
Libraries need APIs
.@fsteeg Yep. Libraries
need APIs, not web portals.
— Ralf Claussnitzer (@claussni) July
29, 2015
An API and some large-but-finite amount of labor
Realizing that I say "it
wouldn't be difficult to X" when I mean "there's
an API and some large-but-finite amount of labor could X."
— Ted Underwood (@Ted_Underwood) September
2, 2015
Technically open: code is open source; organizationally open: issues, continuous integration, code reviews, wiki on GitHub |, |
API is open, use at your will |, |
We're very happy about usage, feedback, and contributions on all of these levels.
Original content by the authors of these slides licensed under CC-BY-4.0