
Linked Open Data, Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW (hbz)

hbz, Köln, 2019-03-14

This presentation:



  • Introduction
  • Metafacture concepts
  • Metafacture usage
  • Exercises: workflows, transforming,
    analysing, and combining data
  • Specific issues / discussion
  • Outlook


What we do

Lobid (linking open bibliographic data), hbz linked data service, web APIs and search UIs for title and authority data

Based on lobid: regional bibliography for NRW (

Transformation of source data to JSON-LD with Metafacture

Open source development on GitHub (products and tools)

This workshop

Origin: request by colleagues who are considering to switch from an experimental, project-based tool to Metafacture

Metafacture: on GitHub since 2013, used at DNB,,, and others

Versatile: usable as command line tool, Java library, batch processing, on-the-fly

An open, common framework to avoid re-building things needed in the library world (individual modules, complete workflows)




Basic idea: data streams through multiple modules (read, decode, transform, encode, write)

Each module reads data of a specific type and writes data of a specific type

Various formats supported (MAB, MARC, METS, etc.), extensible framework

Sample workflow

Source: Christoph Böhme,


Individual stream modules build the overall workflow

Workflow can be expressed with Flux (a simple DSL) or with Java

Flux workflows can be edited in any text editor and executed on the command line

We provide an Eclipse-based IDE to edit and run workflows

Workshop data

Download and unpack the 'workshop' branch of the 'metafacture-flux-examples' GitHub repo

(or: git clone -b workshop

Set up Metafacture CLI app

The code below assumes you moved the resulting folder to your home directory and renamed it to 'metafacture'

$ cd ~/metafacture
$ ./ # or flux.bat on Windows


Exercise 1: Printing data

Output the content of bib-data.pica.gz as Formeta

$ cd metafacture-flux-examples/sample1
$ gedit sample1.flux &

| open-file | as-lines | decode-pica | encode-formeta | write("stdout");

$ ~/metafacture/ sample1.flux

Exercise 1: Printing data – module options

Output the content of bib-data.pica.gz as Formeta

$ cd metafacture-flux-examples/sample1
$ gedit sample1.flux &

|encode-formeta(style="multiline") # key=value options

$ ~/metafacture/ sample1.flux

Exercise 1: Printing data – output

'482147350' {
	'001@' {
		'a': '5',
		'0': '1-2'
	'001A' {
		'0': '1100:15-10-94'
	'001B' {
		'0': '9999:12-06-06',
		't': '16:10:17.000'
	'001D' {
		'0': '9999:99-99-99'
	'001U' {
		'0': 'utf8'
	'001X' {
		'0': '0'
	'002@' {
		'0': 'Aag'
	'003@' {
		'0': '482147350'
	'006U' {
		'0': '94,P05'
	'007E' {
		'0': 'U 70.16407'
	'007I' {
		'S': 'o',
		'0': '74057548'
	'011@' {
		'a': '1970'
	'017A' {
		'a': 'rh'
	'021A' {
		'a': 'Die @Berufsfreiheit der Arbeitnehmer und ihre Ausgestaltung in völkerrechtlichen Verträgen',
		'd': 'Eine Grundrechtsbetrachtg'
	'028A' {
		'9': '106884905',
		'7': 'Tn3',
		'A': 'gnd',
		'0': '106884905',
		'a': 'Projahn',
		'd': 'Horst D.'
	'033A' {
		'p': 'Würzburg'
	'034D' {
		'a': 'XXXVIII, 165 S.'
	'034I' {
		'a': '8'
	'037C' {
		'a': 'Würzburg, Jur. F., Diss. v. 7. Aug. 1970'
'958090564' {
	'001@' {
		'0': '1',
		'a': '5'
	'001A' {
		'0': '1140:08-12-99'
	'001B' {
		'0': '9999:05-01-08',
		't': '22:57:29.000'
	'001D' {
		'0': '9999:99-99-99'
	'001U' {
		'0': 'utf8'
	'001X' {
		'0': '0'
	'002@' {
		'0': 'Aa'
	'003@' {
		'0': '958090564'
	'004A' {
		'f': 'kart. : DM 9.70, EUR 4.94, sfr 8.00, S 68.00'
	'006U' {
		'0': '00,B05,0285'
	'007I' {
		'S': 'o',
		'0': '76088278'
	'011@' {
		'a': '1999'
	'017A' {
		'a': 'rb',
		'a': 'si'
	'019@' {
		'a': 'XA-AT'
	'021A' {
		'a': 'Zukunft Bildung',
		'h': 'Politische Akademie. [Hrsg. von Günther R. Burkert-Dottolo und Bernhard Moser]'
	'028C' {
		'9': '130681849',
		'7': 'Tp1',
		'V': 'piz',
		'A': 'gnd',
		'0': '130681849',
		'E': '1952',
		'a': 'Burkert',
		'd': 'Günther R.',
		'B': 'Hrsg.'
	'033A' {
		'p': 'Wien',
		'n': 'Polit. Akad.'
	'034D' {
		'a': '79 S.'
	'034I' {
		'a': '24 cm'
	'036F' {
		'x': '299 12',
		'9': '551720077',
		'g': 'Adn',
		'7': 'Tb1',
		'A': 'gnd',
		'0': '1040469-7',
		'a': 'Politische Akademie',
		'g': 'Wien',
		'Y': 'PA-Information',
		'h': 'Politische Akademie, WB',
		'p': 'Wien',
		'J': 'Politische Akad., WB',
		'l': '99,2'
	'036F/01' {
		'x': '12',
		'9': '025841467',
		'g': 'Advz',
		'i': '2142105-5',
		'Y': 'Aktuelle Fragen der Politik',
		'h': 'Politische Akademie',
		'p': 'Wien',
		'J': 'Politische Akad. der ÖVP',
		'l': 'Bd. 2'
	'045E' {
		'a': '22',
		'd': '18',
		'm': '370'
	'047A' {
		'S': 'FE',
		'a': 'ta'

Exercise 2: Logging

log-stream and log-object to analyze mystery-script.flux
(Set priority value="debug" in ~metafacture/config/log4j.xml)

|filter-strings("geburts", passMatches="false")
|morph(FLUX_DIR + "mystery-morph-1.xml")
|morph(FLUX_DIR + "mystery-morph-2.xml")

Exercise 2: Logging – solution

log-stream and log-object to analyze mystery-script.flux
(Set priority value="debug" in ~metafacture/config/log4j.xml)

|log-object("Filtering: ")
|filter-strings("geburts", passMatches="false")
|log-object("Decoding: ")
|log-stream("Morphing 1: ")
|morph(FLUX_DIR + "mystery-morph-1.xml")
|log-stream("Morphing 2: ")
|morph(FLUX_DIR + "mystery-morph-2.xml")
|log-stream("Encoding: ")
|log-object("Writing: ")

Exercise 2: Logging – output

Filtering: 1 { name: Franz Kafka, birthplace: Prague, birthdate: 1883-07-03 }
Decoding: 1 { name: Franz Kafka, birthplace: Prague, birthdate: 1883-07-03 }
Morphing 1: start record 1
Morphing 2: start record 1
Encoding: start record 1
Morphing 1: literal name=Franz Kafka
Morphing 2: literal Firstname=Franz
Morphing 2: literal Lastname=Kafka
Morphing 1: literal birthplace=Prague
Morphing 2: literal Birthplace=Prague
Morphing 1: literal birthdate=1883-07-03
Morphing 2: literal Birthdate=03. July 1883
Morphing 1: end record
Morphing 2: end record
Encoding: literal =1, Kafka, Franz, 03. July 1883, Prague
Writing: 1, Kafka, Franz, 03. July 1883, Prague
Encoding: end record
Filtering: 2 { name: Václav Havel, birthplace: Prague, birthdate: 1939-10-05 }
Decoding: 2 { name: Václav Havel, birthplace: Prague, birthdate: 1939-10-05 }
Morphing 1: start record 2
Morphing 2: start record 2
Encoding: start record 2
Morphing 1: literal name=Václav Havel
Morphing 2: literal Firstname=Václav
Morphing 2: literal Lastname=Havel
Morphing 1: literal birthplace=Prague
Morphing 2: literal Birthplace=Prague
Morphing 1: literal birthdate=1939-10-05
Morphing 2: literal Birthdate=05. October 1939
Morphing 1: end record
Morphing 2: end record
Encoding: literal =2, Havel, Václav, 05. October 1939, Prague
Writing: 2, Havel, Václav, 05. October 1939, Prague
Encoding: end record
Filtering: 3 { name: Leoš Janáček, birthplace: Hukvaldy, birthdate: 1854-07-03 }
Decoding: 3 { name: Leoš Janáček, birthplace: Hukvaldy, birthdate: 1854-07-03 }
Morphing 1: start record 3
Morphing 2: start record 3
Encoding: start record 3
Morphing 1: literal name=Leoš Janáček
Morphing 2: literal Firstname=Leoš
Morphing 2: literal Lastname=Janáček
Morphing 1: literal birthplace=Hukvaldy
Morphing 2: literal Birthplace=Hukvaldy
Morphing 1: literal birthdate=1854-07-03
Morphing 2: literal Birthdate=03. July 1854
Morphing 1: end record
Morphing 2: end record
Encoding: literal =3, Janáček, Leoš, 03. July 1854, Hukvaldy
Writing: 3, Janáček, Leoš, 03. July 1854, Hukvaldy
Encoding: end record
Filtering: 4 { name: Franz Viktor Werfel, geburtsort: Prague, geburtsdatum: 1890-09-10 }
Filtering: 5 { name: Max Brod, birthplace: Prague, birthdate: 1884-05-27 }
Decoding: 5 { name: Max Brod, birthplace: Prague, birthdate: 1884-05-27 }
Morphing 1: start record 5
Morphing 2: start record 5
Encoding: start record 5
Morphing 1: literal name=Max Brod
Morphing 2: literal Firstname=Max
Morphing 2: literal Lastname=Brod
Morphing 1: literal birthplace=Prague
Morphing 2: literal Birthplace=Prague
Morphing 1: literal birthdate=1884-05-27
Morphing 2: literal Birthdate=27. May 1884
Morphing 1: end record
Morphing 2: end record
Encoding: literal =5, Brod, Max, 27. May 1884, Prague
Writing: 5, Brod, Max, 27. May 1884, Prague
Encoding: end record
Filtering: closeStream
Decoding: closeStream
Morphing 1: closeStream
Morphing 2: closeStream
Encoding: closeStream
Writing: closeStream

Flux workflows

Where to use log-stream and log-object?

What does encode-literals actually do?


Set up Metafacture IDE

Run sample workflow

Checkout workshop branch

Right-click metafacture-flux-examples > Team > Switch To > Other > *See image below* > Checkout as New Local Branch > Finish

Transform data


Stream module for metadata transformation/mapping

metadata events / key-value → metadata events / key-value

Rules externalized in morph file, XML


Source: Christoph Böhme,

Morph: data

Source: Christoph Böhme,

Morph: modify

Source: Christoph Böhme,

Morph: combine

Source: Christoph Böhme,

Exercise 3: Transforming data

Edit 'simple-transformation.xml' to get the title, publisher, location and year information from input fields:
021A.a, 033A.n, 033A.p, 011@.n

Combine publisher and location into one field.

Use human-readable output fields.

Exercise 3: Transforming data

	<data source="021A.a" name="Title"></data>
	<data source="011@.n" name="Year">
		<regexp match="\[(\d+)\]" format="${1}"/>
	<combine name="Publisher" value="${Publisher}: ${Place}">
		<data source="033A.n" name="Publisher"></data>
		<data source="033A.p" name="Place"></data>

default in = FLUX_DIR + "bib-data.pica.gz";
default out = FLUX_DIR + "sample3-out.txt";

|morph(FLUX_DIR + "simple-transformation.xml")

Exercise 3: Transforming data – output

'958090564' {
	'Title': 'Zukunft Bildung',
	'Publisher': 'Polit. Akad.: Wien'
'361809549' {
	'Title': 'Hundert Jahre Buchdrucker-Innung Hamburg',
	'Publisher': 'Buchdrucker-Innung (Freie Innung): Hamburg',
	'Publisher': '[Verlagsbuchh. Broschek & Co.]: Hamburg'
'780510143' {
	'Title': 'Christa Dichgans, "Unsere Welt"',
	'Publisher': 'Galerie Springer: Berlin'
'956745954' {
	'Title': 'Arbeit, Ausbildung und Qualifikation für Drogengebraucher in Substitutionsbehandlung',
	'Publisher': 'Dt. AIDS-Hilfe: Berlin'
'576121444' {
	'Year': '1939',
	'Title': 'Die @Nathanaelfrage unserer Tage',
	'Publisher': 'Schwarzmann: Köln'
'364457708' {
	'Title': 'Passau und der Bayerische Wald',
	'Publisher': 'Hoffmann u. Campe: Hamburg'
'963517473' {
	'Title': 'Fußball-Fan',
	'Publisher': 'Tomus: München'
'578515415' {
	'Title': 'Der @Galeerensklave',
	'Publisher': 'Gauverl. Bayreuth: Bayreuth'
'573885400' {
	'Year': '1919',
	'Title': 'In den Tagen des Antichristen',
	'Publisher': 'Verl. d. "Bücherboten": Düsseldorf'
'942958748' {
	'Title': 'Anleitung zur Erstellung eines Handbuches für die Materialwirtschaft in Versorgungsunternehmen',
	'Publisher': 'VDEW: Frankfurt am Main'

Test transformations

Metamorph tests

Running Metamorph tests

Same project: Java workflows


Workflows with Flux

Transformations with Morph

Automated Morph-Tests

Complete basic toolkit

Analyzing data


Source: Christoph Böhme,


Source: Christoph Böhme,


Source: Christoph Böhme,

Exercise 4: Counting values

Count the number of distinct values for the edition (032@.a) in bib-data.pica.gz



default in = FLUX_DIR + "bib-data.pica.gz";
default out = FLUX_DIR + "sample4-out.txt";

|morph(FLUX_DIR + "count.xml")
|template("${o} | ${s}")

Exercise 4: Counting values – output

1 | (1. Aufl.)
1 | (16.-20. Taus.)
2 | (2. Aufl.)
1 | (2. Aufl.) - 1:10 000
1 | (2. ed.)
1 | (3. rev. ed.)
1 | (Ausg. 1971/72)
1 | (Ausg. für die Volkswirtschaft), 1. Ausg., Stand der Unterlagen: 1977
1 | (Ausg. für die Volkswirtschaft), 1. Ausg., Stand der Unterlagen: 1986
1 | (Ausg. für die Volkswirtschaft), 1. Ausg., Stand der Unterlagen: 1987
1 | (Ausg. für die Volkswirtschaft), 3. Ausg., Stand der Unterlagen: 1980
2 | (Ausg. für die Volkswirtschaft), 3. Ausg., Stand der Unterlagen: 1981
3 | (Ausg. für die Volkswirtschaft), 3. Ausg., Stand der Unterlagen: 1982
1 | (Rechtsstand: 1. Nov. 1963)
1 | (Stand: 1. Sept. 1965)
1 | (Stand: Januar 1990)
1 | (Versión rev.), 4. ed.
1 | 05/1974
2 | 1. - 10. Tsd.
1 | 1. - 3. Tsd.
1 | 1. - 5. Tsd.
1 | 1. - 9. Tsd.
494 | 1. Aufl.
1 | 1. Aufl. d. Neubearb.
1 | 1. Aufl. d. Neuübers.
3 | 1. Aufl. dieser Ausg.
1 | 1. Aufl., 1. - 50. Tsd.
14 | 1. Aufl., 1. Dr.
22 | Dt. Erstausg.
4 | Dt. Erstausg., 1. Aufl.
26 | Orig.-Ausg.
8 | Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl.

Exercise 5: Counting data patterns

Count the number of birth (060R.a) and death (060R.b) dates that match the patterns 'yyyy' or ''.

Additionally, output the number of values that don't match them.

Exercise 5: Counting data patterns – morph


Exercise 5: Counting data patterns – flux

default in = FLUX_DIR + "authority-data.pica.gz";
default out = FLUX_DIR + "sample5-out.txt";

|morph(FLUX_DIR + "count.xml")
|template("${s}:\t ${o}")

Exercise 5: Counting data patterns – output

birth (full):	 873
birth (year):	 4874
death (full):	 460
death (year):	 1587
invalid birth:	 9
invalid death:	 5

Combining data

Basic idea: collect triples from different sources


Source: Christoph Böhme,


Source: Christoph Böhme,


Source: Christoph Böhme,

Different IDs

Typically entities have different IDs in different sources

e.g. GND with GND-ID, Wikipedia with GND-ID in field 'gnd'

i.e. we need a way to set the ID for data from one of the sources


Source: Christoph Böhme,

Exercise 6: Enriching

Combine data in wiki-persons.foma.gz (contains GND IDs in field 'gnd') and GND data in authority-persons.pica.gz, output Formeta

(Set ID: name="_id", let all data flow through: source="_else")

Exercise 6: Enriching – flux

default authoritydata = FLUX_DIR + "authority-persons.pica.gz";
default wikidata = FLUX_DIR + "wiki-persons.foma.gz";
default out = FLUX_DIR + "sample6-out.txt";


|morph(FLUX_DIR + "enrich-wiki.xml")


Exercise 6: Enriching – output

'118514768' {
	'001A' {
		'0': '1250:01-07-88'
	'001B' {
		'0': '1140:26-07-13',
		't': '08:58:08.000'
	'001D' {
		'0': '1220:16-06-08'
	'001U' {
		'0': 'utf8'
	'001X' {
		'0': '0'
	'002@' {
		'0': 'Tp1'
	'003@' {
		'0': '118514768'
	'003U' {
		'a': '',
		'z': ''
	'lccn': 'n/79/18801',
	'ndl': '00434255',
	'viaf': '2467372',
	'imdb': '0106517',
	'category': 'Bertolt Brecht',
	'category': 'Autor',
	'category': 'Literatur (20. Jahrhundert)',
	'category': 'Literatur (Deutsch)',
	'category': 'Literatur (Berlin)',
	'category': 'Lyrik',
	'category': 'Drama',
	'category': 'Novelle',
	'category': 'Essay',
	'category': 'Politische Literatur',
	'category': 'Theaterregisseur',
	'category': 'Liedtexter',
	'category': 'Drehbuchautor',
	'category': 'Filmregisseur',
	'category': 'Hanns Eisler',
	'category': 'Helene Weigel',
	'category': 'NS-Opfer',
	'category': 'Emigrant aus dem Deutschen Reich zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus',
	'category': 'Träger des Nationalpreises der DDR I. Klasse für Kunst und Literatur',
	'category': 'Mitglied der Akademie der Künste (DDR)',
	'category': 'Deutscher',
	'category': 'Österreicher',
	'category': 'DDR-Bürger',
	'category': 'Künstler (DDR)',
	'category': 'Künstler (Augsburg)',
	'category': 'Schriftsteller (Berlin)',
	'category': 'Geboren 1898',
	'category': 'Gestorben 1956',
	'category': 'Mann',
	'category': 'Deutscher Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus in den USA'
'11852884X' {
	'001A' {
		'0': '1250:01-07-88'
	'001B' {
		'0': '1510:27-05-08',
		't': '09:39:52.000'
	'001D' {
		'0': '9999:06-04-08'
	'001U' {
		'0': 'utf8'
	'001X' {
		'0': '0'
	'002@' {
		'0': 'Tp1'
	'003@' {
		'0': '11852884X'
	'003U' {
		'a': ''
	'lccn': 'n/79/21285',
	'ndl': '00438594',
	'viaf': '108299403',
	'imdb': '0248767',
	'category': 'Umberto Eco',
	'category': 'Philosoph (20. Jahrhundert)',
	'category': 'Philosoph (21. Jahrhundert)',
	'category': 'Autor',
	'category': 'Literatur (20. Jahrhundert)',
	'category': 'Literatur (21. Jahrhundert)',
	'category': 'Literatur (Italienisch)',
	'category': 'Semiotiker',
	'category': 'Roman, Epik',
	'category': 'Erzählung',
	'category': 'Essay',
	'category': 'Medienwissenschaftler',
	'category': 'Kulturwissenschaftler',
	'category': 'Herausgeber',
	'category': 'Hochschullehrer (Bologna)',
	'category': 'Pataphysik',
	'category': 'Träger des Großen Bundesverdienstkreuzes mit Stern',
	'category': 'Träger des Verdienstordens der Italienischen Republik (Großkreuz)',
	'category': 'Träger des Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Komtur)',
	'category': 'Träger des Pour le Mérite (Friedensklasse)',
	'category': 'Träger des Österreichischen Staatspreises für Europäische Literatur',
	'category': 'Mitglied der Ehrenlegion (Offizier)',
	'category': 'Ehrendoktor einer Universität',
	'category': 'Ehrendoktor der Freien Universität Berlin',
	'category': 'Ehrendoktor der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem',
	'category': 'Ehrendoktor der Universität Tartu',
	'category': 'Ehrendoktor der Universität Tel Aviv',
	'category': 'Italiener',
	'category': 'Geboren 1932',
	'category': 'Mann'


How often does dataset A refer to dataset B?

e.g. bibliographic records linking to author IDs

e.g. authority data linking to location


Source: Christoph Böhme,

Exercise 7: Counting references

For each authority in authority-persons.pica.gz, output how often it is referenced from bib-data.pica.gz in 028A.9



default authoritydata = FLUX_DIR + "authority-persons.pica.gz";
default bibdata = FLUX_DIR + "bib-data.pica.gz";
default out = FLUX_DIR + "sample7-out.txt";

|morph(FLUX_DIR + "summarize-authority-persons.xml")

|morph(FLUX_DIR + "morph-bib.xml")


Exercise 7: Counting references – output

118514768{ name: 'Bertolt Brecht', count: 2234 }
11852884X{ name: 'Umberto Eco', count: 221 }
118541579{ name: 'Günter Grass', count: 987 }
118559230{ name: 'Franz Kafka', count: 2046 }
11860564X{ name: 'Jean-Paul Sartre' }
11862444X{ name: 'Kurt Tucholsky', count: 690 }
118628852{ name: 'Martin Walser' }

Specific issues / discussion


What we like

Small modules

Many modules

Extensible framework

Stable toolkit

What we don't like so much

Fiddling with Metamorph (flush, reset, ...)

Cumbersome XML morph files

Relatively high barrier for entry

The problem

Core issue: streaming architecture

Conceptually gives us a single attribute-value-pair at a time

But we actually have records in our source data

Transformation rules often depend on the values of other fields in the same record

(It's a bit like XML parsing with SAX vs. DOM parsers)


Provide a record mode with a simplified morph DSL (think Catmandu::Fix)

Provide a web based playground for simple input-morph-output experiments (think JSON-LD playground)